Listen for statistic log

I wonder how to listen for quality log statistic callback in video sdk.
I have looked up for ZoomVideoSDKSessionASVStatisticInfo but it is no where to be found!
Reference document: ZoomVideoSDKSessionASVStatisticInfo ( SDK API Document)
Which Android Video SDK version?

Hi @phuongnguyenduy, thanks for using the dev forum.

You are correct that there are no QoS callbacks, as changes to these values would occur at an extremely high frequency. If you’d like to provide some context around your use case, we may be able to provide a suggestion on how you could achieve your desired behavior through the SDK. :slightly_smiling_face:


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Sure thing!
I’m tending to develop function that show calculated network data usage on user UI screen (like total byte sent, total byte received). Some like that

Hi @phuongnguyenduy,

Thanks for the additional context. For this sort of use case, you should be able to provide decently accurate information by querying the statistics info periodically through the available statistics methods.


Thanks for your reply,
Can you specify the name of class you are referring to? I tried ZoomVideoSDKSessionASVStatisticInfo but couldn’t find it in SDK

Hi @phuongnguyenduy,

You can get a reference to that class by calling ZoomVideoSDK.getInstance().getSession().getSessionVideoStatisticInfo().


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