Meeting SDK cross-account join policy

Hello @kaitlynnst

I will continue to share the app-specific details via our current DM thread.

As for the listing, we have an Unlisted option for apps that do not wish to be listed on the Marketplace: Publish your apps

and a testing flow for SDK apps: Zoom SDK App Review Process


@yoon.conner Hi, we submitted our app for review back on June 3rd but its still in the Security Review phase and we are waiting on Zoom for approval. Iā€™m concerned that our app will be shutdown if we donā€™t make the deadline. Can someone assure me that our account wonā€™t get locked out? We have customers/patients that rely on our technology and we need to make sure its functional. Thanks.

Hello @jfe5002

Iā€™ll DM you to get the app-specific information to help you check on this.


Hi @yoon.conner @shariq.torres @donte.zoom

We have an integration with Zoom that is used to provide a high-stakes service. This service is critical to the users that use the service, and we need urgent assistance to ensure continued operation of the service.

We have been informed that from the 28th of June our app will no longer be allowed to connect to meetings created outside of our Zoom account. This despite previously being assured that we would be getting an extension on the deadline.

Can you help us ensure that our app remains operational, and that we are given an extension allowing us to complete the review process?

Letā€™s talk about this via DM

I also posted a new topic on this, as our situation appears to be a little different, but I wanted to add it here as well.

We have a multiple meeting SDK apps that are no longer joining meetings as of this morning. We have verified that they can join meetings from their own account, but not external meetings. The SDK returns error 63.

These are apps that have been approved in the Marketplace. We are aware of the recent changes that require apps to be approved in order to join external meetings, but these apps have been approved for a long time. We never received any notice about them needing to go through the approval process again and there is no indication in Marketplace that any action is needed.

Please help as this is affecting us in production.

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The same thing happened to us a few hours ago, we made sure to approve our app in the marketplace, and suddenly today it stopped joining external meetings, itā€™s causing a major disruption to our business
we need any possible assistance as well

Hi @thinktapwork and @alonr
Thanks for reaching out to us. We are aware of this issue, and we are working hard to resolve it. I will keep you updated about the progress of it

Thank you @elisa.zoom for the update.

Hello @elisa.zoom - This is impacting us greatly, is there any ETA to when this should be resolved?

@elisa.zoom we are having the same issue, with major impact to our businessā€¦ Looking forward to your update!

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@jonathanf I donā€™t have an ETA at this time. We are root-causing as we speak. Elisa or I will update you and others here as soon as we know more.


Hi , we are currently having the same issue with the error code 63. We are using an app but it is not published as we dont want it in the Zoom marketplace. What should we do? thanks!


Weā€™re experiencing the same issue with error code 63. Weā€™re using an app that hasnā€™t been published yet because we prefer not to list it on the Zoom marketplace. Weā€™re unsure of the steps we need to take to resolve this problem. Could you please provide guidance or any troubleshooting tips to help us address this issue? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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my application that has been working for a number of years, which only starts meetings in the same domain as the publisher just started failing with a error code 6601.

Anyone have any ideas on why this is happening. This is a critical production issue that i need resolved quickly

@diego.dabezies, @andres.nakanishi, to join meetings outside of your account, your app will need to go through App Review. It wonā€™t need to be published on the Marketplace, but does need to be reviewed as the app joins meetings outside of your account.

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@jhorel1 can you verify that the meetings are created under the same account as the app client ID or SDK key?

@jhorel1 This is due because you did not submit your application for marketplace review. We sent communications to everyone about this and have some links on how to prepare your app for review.

Any update? As you can imagine this is having a huge impact.