Meeting SDK cross-account join policy

@alonr This maybe because you did not submit your application for marketplace review. We have a Meeting SDK policy that requires Meeting SDK apps to be reviewed by the marketplace team if it joins meetings outside of the account that created it. We sent communications to everyone about this and have some links on how to prepare your app for review. If you want your app to be unlisted then you can follow this guide.

@shariq.torres Hey! Weā€™re experiencing the same issue with error code 200. Our app is approved and published on Zoom marketplace.
Is there any ETA?

This application has been working for years , The account and all the meetings are internal, which it says should work

"If your app only joins Meetings hosted by your own account, your app may not need to be reviewed. For example:

  • An app that creates a custom UI for telehealth appointments for hosts on your account."

@diego.dabezies The Meeting SDK policy requires that the app goes through marketplace review. There is an option to have your app be unlisted in the marketplace and you can follow this guide to do so.

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In our case we have been approved in the Marketplace and we never received any emails about this. How do we get a resolution?

@thinktapwork @shellym @jonathanf can you please try your app? We believe we have it resolved.

Confirmed fixed. Thank you!


@jhorel1 The Meeting SDK policy was put in place last summer. For the purposes of the policy, if the account that created the app is a subaccount of the main account, then joining meetings on the main account counts as an external meeting. Please DM me and we can get to the bottom of this.

This was resolved in the last hour or so. It appears to be the effect of the outage reported . Interestingly during the outage the subacount was able to join a meeting id from the owner account. zoom incident 7r32f1jmyh52

yes they are the same account

@shellym There was an enforcement on Meeting SDK apps and a bug was fixed this afternoon. Your app may have been affected by this bug. If your app is still not working. then you should submit your app for marketplace review so that you can be in compliance with the Meeting SDK policy.

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@shariq.torres @michael.zoom Thanks! I just submitted the app for review, but it says it will take up to 72 hours. We have had this problem in production since last Friday. Is there a way to speed up this process? The app is not working in the production environment, and many users arenā€™t able to use it. Thanks.


How can I test my app before publishng it ? The publishing process require redirects for Oauths and other things, I do not have or intend to have anything like that for the moment, Iā€™m just testing on loacalhost, so Iā€™m not sure what to do.
I also donā€™t intend for this app to be used by anyone else than me, I donā€™t understand why i need to publish it.
I was told I could choose to not have it available on the marketplace but I donā€™t see that option anywhere.

All I want is to be able to embed and join an external meeting on a website page. Is there any better way to do this or a way to not have to have my app available on the marketplace? thanks

Hello @diego.dabezies
While we have the 72-hour SLA we often get to reviewing it earlier. As long as all the requirements are met and the notes provided by the reviewer has been addressed, your app should be path to approval soon. Thank you!

Hello @mahthaki

You can use your documentation URL for the redirect URLs as well as the Direct Landing URL if your app does not utilize the OAuth (scopes).

Please review this document on how to set your app as Unlisted: Publish your apps
Thank you!

Hi, @shariq.torres - this caught us off guard, and now we have customers in production unable to use Zoom. Is it possible to work on getting an extension while we go through the review process?

Hi @shariq.torres @yoon.conner Same as Christopher, we didnā€™t know you were going to make these changes, breaking our PRODUCTION app. Did you notify us about these changes? This is really unprofessional as many clients arenā€™t able to use the app. I have already sent the review twice and am still waiting for a response. Can you please help us speed up this process or at least approve the app while we are in the review process?

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The original Zoom comms email on cross account policy said:
ā€œWe will be communicating with developers of non-compliant applications to establish a timeline to remediate any issues.ā€

We were never contacted. The bug or erroneous rollout early this week took us down during a multi webinar live event. Embarrassing for us.

And now, cross domain join seems to work again.

Would appreciate you emailing me, so we can fully understand timelines and relevance to our use case.



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@shariq.torres @yoon.conner, Iā€™m also unable to log into my account with our app. The 2FA codes are no longer sent to my email.

We have customers who have been out of service for multiple days now. Can you help me get support to get production back up while we go through security review?

Thank you


What about Technical documents and privacy and data policy? I donā€™t have any of that. Again my ā€œappā€ only uses zoom to join external meetings, I assume without the user needing to have an account (I donā€™t know because there is no way to know how it work since I canā€™t test it), will my app be accepted anyways if I donā€™t have any of that?