Meeting SDK cross-account join policy

It’s urgent that we get in touch with someone regarding this production breaking change for our customers.

@yoon.conner @shariq.torres @TimZoom @michael.zoom @elisa.zoom @donte.zoom


You have until the end of July 31st to have your Meeting SDK app approved by the marketplace review team. Please follow this guide to get your app submitted.

@shariq.torres - if that’s the case, why am I still receiving the error Appkey review status exception when trying to join a meeting using the SDK?

You will have to provide this information to the marketplace team. What we are looking for is an overview of how your system works, the tech stack, and any post processing or realtime processing that you are doing on meeting data. The data policy is an attestation of what your app is doing with user meeting data. You can read about this here.

Okay but what if I’m not doing anything with the data and i don’t have a data policy because I don’t collect data ? I don’t even authenticate users

You just have to state this in the attestations.

You have until the end of July 31st to have your Meeting SDK app approved by the marketplace review team. Please follow this guide to get your app submitted.

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Since you don’t have the decency to email me directly as asked so I could clear up how this applies - here are some questions for you:

  1. Will it remain the case, that “unlisted” SDK keys will NOT need review if used for meetings within the account, AND subuser accounts? If that is the case, we’ll just have each customer generate an SDK key, and not worry about review. Your docs are nebulous on this.
  2. In the case of us using our MeetingSDK key cross-account - We white label apps for various customers. Will Zoom approve our core app/code or will we need to do this separately for every app? How often is re-review necessary? (If so, and if #2 above isn’t viable, then most likely we’ll move to different tech or force customers to use desktop Zoom.

Zoom is famous for bad developer communications, and you have continued the tradition. You guys could really do better.

Your original email said:
"We will be communicating with developers of non-compliant applications to establish a timeline to remediate any issues.

You are now communicating the timeline 2 weeks before the deadline, after never contacting us in the first place as referenced in your email. You also don’t reference the deadline in your docs. Nice. Furthermore, that email insinuates that if you’re not contacted, you are compliant. Looking thru other forum posts, it seems others may have received an additional email. We did not.

I know that things are tense, but time is of the essence. Your app will lose the ability to cross join meetings if you do not get it approved by the marketplace review team. We are expediting the review of Meeting SDK apps but you must submit something.

Your Meeting SDK code can remain unlisted once approval is granted. Your MSDK app needs to go through review if you expect to join meetings outside of the account that created it. This includes sub accounts.

If you white-label the app to your customers, you will need those customers to abide by the privacy, security and data handling/retention policies that you submit with the app.


Can you please answer this specific question:

Will it continue to be the case that MeetingSDK will be able to join meetings created from within the owner account or sub-users without any review process?

I am asking this question very specifically for an official answer so as to not be blindsided with non-communicated policy, either now or later. I don’t want to have my customers create MeetingSDK keys, and find out in the middle of an event it stops working because suddenly Zoom decides to include those in the review process.

I don’t really care about cross account join if I can just have each customer generate their own key and avoid review. It’s another step that seems pointless for our use case, but whatever.


“Will it continue to be the case that MeetingSDK will be able to join meetings created from within the owner account or sub-users without any review process?”

No. This counts a cross-join meeting and you will need to go through the review process

Shariq, How is it cross account, if the person hosting the meeting, generated the SDK key in their account. Please explain this nuance.

To be more clear. If the primary OWNER of a zoom account creates a meetingSDK key, can that key join a meeting (without review) on:

  1. Meetings created by the same owner
  2. Meetings created by sub-users of the owner (with caveat that OWNER generated key).


Any account that is outside of the account that created the app, counts as a cross join meeting. This includes cases where the developer account is a subaccount of a parent account.

@shariq.torres @yoon.conner Hey! We have our app approved but are still getting the Error 63. What should we do no? When using a zoom link from the admin account it works, but not for an external one

Hi Zoom Team,

We have created a SDK unlisted app which will be used on the server. Our App will join the meeting as a user and access active user Audio and Video. 

Our app is approved by the zoom team and its status coming as “approved” . But our app still not able to Join Meetings of other zoom account.

Please help

Hello @diego.dabezies

I’ll DM you to get the app details to investigate this issue.


Hello @asrivastava

I’ll DM you to get the app details to investigate this issue.


Any meeting that is outside of the developer account that created the app is counted as a cross join.