Meetings report list webinars instead of meetings

When I run a query (using a JWT token) to get a list of past meetings from a given period using :

I’m getting results which are all webinars, not meetings

This is new, a few days ago the same request was giving back meetings, not webinars

This problem seems similar to : Get Meeting Participant Reports Code 300 - #5 by tommy

What’s happening ?

Hey @animatrice.webinaire,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. Please provide the full endpoint that you’re using when making the GET query. If possible, it would be helpful to see the URL of a request that returns Meetings and one that returns Webinars.

I’ll investigate this further with that information. If you don’t want to share those details publicly, feel free to send an email to and I’ll follow-up there.


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