No sdk credentials created

Dear Chun,
I can’t thank you enough for the support you have been rendering for me on this issue. I get your explanation as regards the difference between the jwt token and the jwt app. i think sharing my code with you will give you a clearer view of what might be wrong.
I am using the sdk files that i downloaded directly from zoommarket place. Im using the sdk in CDN folder of the root directory
Screenshot 2023-02-22 105223.png
In the index.js file i have a code for generating signature similar to what you sent me

var signature = ZoomMtg.generateSDKSignature({
sdkKey: SDK_KEY,
sdkSecret: SDK_SECRET,
role: meetingConfig.role,
success: function (res) {
meetingConfig.signature = res.result;
meetingConfig.sdkKey = SDK_KEY;
var joinUrl =
testTool.getCurrentDomain() +
"C:/Users/CGX/Downloads/zoom-sdk-web-2.9.7/CDN/meeting.html?" +
document.getElementById('copy_link_value').setAttribute('link', joinUrl);


The token generated looks like what you shared too. I will be delighted if you can spare some times to look into this as you have always does.
Thanks and best regards.