Paginated responses from the Zoom API

I requested using the next_page_token parameter to retrieve the next set of values (see below) But I am getting “{"code":400,"message":"The next page token is invalid or expired."}”. Am I using the wrong url address?"

Hi @rodolfoc ,

How long are you waiting before you use the next page token? The expiry time for next page token is 15 mins

Right way!
Also I tried with the page number parameter but it is going to hundreds of pages even though the total records is about 600 so it should have been about a total of 30 pages by using the page_size = 20 = page number iteration

Using the page number it returns same records even though I pass different page number as a parameter.

So I found the solution regarding the next_page_token parameter. I just needed append it to the original call . I had excluded the page size parameter from the original call

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