Proper Documentation for ios Swift

Thank you Michael, I appreciate the efforts of support staff on these forums to help devs out. I’m currently working on trying to implement starting an instant meeting by email login on iOS 14.8 with swift using SDK zoom-sdk-ios- I started with this post by @tspiresweet as a base SwiftUI and Zoom SDK - #10 by Michael_Condon and the SDK reports initializing successfully and am able to join meetings successfully. So looking for more information on what setup I need to do before I can login and then startMeeting. Currently:

func logIn(email: String, password: String) {
        print("DEBUG: login...")

        // 2. Obtain the MobileRTCAuthService from the Zoom SDK, this service can log in a Zoom user, log out a Zoom user, authorize the Zoom SDK etc.
        if let authorizationService = MobileRTC.shared().getAuthService() {
             // 3. Call the login function in MobileRTCAuthService. This will attempt to log in the user.
            authorizationService.login(withEmail: email, password: password, rememberMe: false)
            print("DEBUG: logged in =  \(authorizationService.isLoggedIn())")
        }else {
            print("authorization service failed")

getting logged in = false and a crash of EXC_BAD_ACCESS on the line marked as @main for my AppDelegate, which seemed to work fine in the anonymous joinMeeting function. I suspect I may have to restructure my swift application to use App type instead of what was originally developed in an older style with ContentView with an AppDelegate marked as @main and to implement the UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor - new topics for me to figure out - but to be clear more swift docs around starting an instant meeting is my ask here (as well as longer term ask of more comprehensive docs to make using zoom SDK within swift apps easier).

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { … }