Reg: Need help in creating users through oauth v2 API

@anjibabuch987 if you are using master account API, you need to use a different endpoint which requires you to specify the account ID

They are 2 different endpoints

POST /users


POST /accounts/{accountId}/users



Hi @chunsiong.zoom I have that scopes please check

@anjibabuch987 those are not the right permissions.

You need user:write:admin

@anjibabuch987 the developer creating the S2S OAuth app on needs to be given admin rights by the owner of the zoom account.

Hi @chunsiong.zoom

Can you please enable this scopes for my app?

My zoom app name - General app 740

@anjibabuch987 i cannot do that. You need to ask the owner to give you admin access.

@chunsiong.zoom My self I am having Admin access also I am the owner of the app
But still that scopes are not showing in scope list.

@anjibabuch987 free account cannot add users.

Hi @chunsiong.zoom Can you please help me how to upgrade free account to prime account.


Hi @chunsiong.zoom To create the users what are the package we need buy can you please guide me.
need to create users and meetings.

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