Release version of the sdk

Hi! I downloaded zoom-sdk-ios-5.5.12509.0401 version of sdk as it is noticed here It works for simulator and device, but I cant download build with sdk to the testflight. Could you please navigate me where I can download production version of the sdk? Thanks in advance!

Hey @apapap,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I believe you are the first who has attempted to push this version to testflight. Can you provide the errors you are receiving when you attempt to push?


Hi, Michael! Thanks for your reply.
I solved the problem by adding permissions for Bluetooth and photo gallery.
Could you please confirm that I use the version of SDK that can be used for production?

Hey @apapap,

The package is intended for production. I do not see any issues with shipping, but do not hesitate to reach out if you run into anything else.


You should correct documentation in that case I think

Hey @apapap,

Are you referring to the documentation that lists what permissions to add?


No, I’m talking about and
" * The code in the “Source Code (zip)” is the device-only version. It only works on a real device. Please use this version if you would like to upload to the Apple App Store.

  • The “” is the “all” version that works on both real device and iOS simulator(x86_64, i386, etc.). Do not use this version to publish apps to App Store."

Hey @apapap,

Those claims are true for those versions. The newest version will not be added to GitHub and no longer two separate frameworks.


See here
point 2 - different options for device and simulator: for simulator we need to download sdk from app market, for device - …?

Hey @apapap,

Ah I see now. We will get that updated. Thanks for pointing that out!


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