Retrieve past meetings when PMI is disabled

My goal is to get a list of all the past meetings the user has held so I can see the most recent date a meeting was held.

I don’t receive an error but the data isn’t accurate when a PMI has been disabled for the user

Which App Type (JWT)

Which Endpoint/s?

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Run the api with a PMI that has been recently disabled but has held meeting subsequent to the disabling of the PMI.

Additional context
So, basically I use an email address and call the {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId API to get the details on the user and grab the PMI. For users that have a disabled PMI the PMI is zero. Yet, I can go to the web interface for the user and see a list of recently held meetings. So, where does that information come from if their PMI is disabled? What API and parameters do I use to retrieve that information?

Hi @pete_h ,

You are probably seeing those meetings on the web portal because meetings also have a meetingId and UUID. A PMI and meetingId/UUID are not mutually exclusive. Are you seeing a meetingId associated with these meetings on the portal?

For scheduled meetings, you can pass the user’s userId here:

For past meetings, I do not believe there is an endpoint to query all the meetings a user has held/hosted, but I could be mistaken. I will inquire. Typically you need the meetingId or uuid to get the past meeting info and you would use this endpoint: or this one:

Thank you,

@pete_h , I stand corrected! My colleague informed me that you may use this endpoint with the userId to get past meetings:

Thank you.

Thanks…I did come across the report option but it seems a little unwieldy. It seems that you can request only a 30 day block and can only go back 6 months (but I’ll re-read the API docs again).

Another anomaly that I noticed was the particular person I looked at indicated that the PMI was disabled when viewed through the web UI. When I called the {{baseUrl}}/users/:userId API on that person, the PMI was zero, but if I retrieve all the users using {{baseUrl}}/users?status=active API, the user DOES have a PMI associated with their user info. It was the user list API that I was using but that PMI was from before the PMI was disabled. So I had older, historical records when I accessed previous meetings with PMI’s from the user list, rather the the individual user. All very confusing.

I’ll dig a little deeper on the reports api and see what I can come up with. Thanks again.

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