Dear Zoom Support,
I have developed a python code to retrieve meeting and related details using zoom API.
When i try to get all meetings with different pages (page_size=300), i will end up getting more records.
For example, the returned json shows total record is 2245, that requires 2245/300 ~=8 API calls.
However, my last API call return 300 records instead of 145.
Please see **issue at the end
the problem is gone if returned records is less than 300 records.
Please see **normal cases at the end
You can see the separate call generated by the script and the number of returned len(return_json[‘meetings’]) at the end of this thread
Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
bringing forward the next token position can solve problem of smaller time range ( say from 04-21 to 04-22 where pagination is still needed)
However, i’m still having the issue with longer time range.
also, when i try to verify my code on web api testing page, i got mismatch information: i’m pagination using size of 300, and this is the last response and you can see the returned items is 147, and that mismatch the total records of 1209
That is strange, can you email this, your JWT Key and your Zoom account id to so we can get the info we need to debug the issue?