Screen Sharing button not working


If you are using the broadcast extension to do screen sharing, you do not need the startAppShare and the stopAppShare. You could simply implement the broadcast picker in the onClickShareScreen method like the following:

- (void)onClickShareScreen:(UIViewController *)parentVC
     if (@available(iOS 12.0, *)) {
         RPSystemBroadcastPickerView *broadcastView = [[RPSystemBroadcastPickerView alloc] init];
            broadcastView.preferredExtension = @"Extension bundle ID";
            broadcastView.tag = "NSInteger here";
            [self.mainVC.view addSubview:broadcastView];
         broadcastView = [self.mainVC.view viewWithTag:"NSInteger here"];
         if (!broadcastView) return;

         for (UIView *subView in broadcastView.subviews) {
             if ([subView isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]])
                 UIButton *broadcastBtn = (UIButton *)subView;
                 [broadcastBtn sendActionsForControlEvents:UIControlEventAllTouchEvents];

Then you could trigger the picker by pressing the share button.

Hope this helps. Thanks!