Server-to-Server OAuth documentation bug

Dear Sirs,

In the following documentation page, the description of the successful response is not correct.

The property names must be written all lower case, and the token duration property is expires_in. Summarizing, the correct would be:

      “access_token“: String,
      “token_type”: “bearer”,
      “expires_in”: long, // duration in seconds
      “scope” : String // multiple scopes separated by spaces

@precisao ,

Thank you for calling attention to this property name. I will share this feedback with the documentation team.


I independently noticed these errors myself months ago, and I see 5 months after the initial report that they are still not fixed in the online docs.

This would seem pretty important to fix in a timely manner, given the impending deprecation of JWT apps and forced migration to Server-to-Server

Thanks for bringing this to our attention again.
I will follow up internally

I see that the doc page has been updated, but some of the updates are incorrect. It currently now says:

      “access_token“: [String],
      “token_type”: “bearer”,
      “expires_in”: long,
      “scope” : [String]

As the original poster said, the type of access_token and scope is String, not array-of-String. So it should be this:

      “access_token“: String,
      “token_type”: “bearer”,
      “expires_in”: long,
      “scope” : String
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