Support for 64 bit

We are currently integrating zoom SDK into our application and ran into issue with 64 bit device. After analyzing the apk found out that Zoom only has 32 bit libraries. As per following blog post we are required to have 64 bit support when targeting android 9 Pie and up. Our application currently targets android 9 so if we integrate zoom sdk we wont be able to make any updates after August 1, 2019. So does Zoom team have any plans to provide 64 bit support.

Thanks for using Zoom SDK. Yes, we have aware the changes from Google and we are working on it. Currently we do not have a 64-bit library for Android SDK. We will ensure the transition from 32bit to 64bit is smooth before the date mentioned by Google. Please follow our Github repo for any updates.


Do you have any update on 64-bit Android SDK? Google’s Aug 1, 2019 deadline is almost here.

Hi sgarg,

Thanks for your reply. The 64-bit Android support will be included in the upcoming release. Please follow our Github repo for the updates:


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Hi Carson_Chen,
We are really concerned about this. Can we expect next version release in upcoming week or so?

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We have the same concerns. We have to allocate time after the release to implement, test, and submit prior to August 1, 2019. Can you provide a status update and release soon?

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Even a beta release will help us get started with integration/building/testing rest of our apps for 64-bit.

Hi Zoom team, can you please update your libraries to 64-bit ASAP because there’s hardly 20 days left of google final date to fix this. We are waiting for a long time to get update our app on play store.

Hi everyone,

Thanks for your replies and pardon for the wait. We truly understand you concerns and we are finalizing our works for the Android 64-bit support. Please follow our Github repo for the upcoming release.


Hi everyone,

Thanks for using Zoom SDK. We have just released our new Android SDK that has 64-bit support. Please visit our Github repo to download the latest version of SDK:

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Happy Zooming!

Getting an error when tryin to join a meeting after updating to the new build:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroidx/fragment/app/FragmentActivity;
at com.zipow.videobox.ptapp.PTUI.getInstance(
at us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK.(
at us.zoom.sdk.ZoomSDK.getInstance(
at com.example.ZoomActivity.onCreate(
at Source:0)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn’t find class “” on path: DexPathList

also I seem to be missing 2 so files from each of the 64 bit folders:

Hi j.phillips,

Thanks for the reply. You will need to upgrade your Android project to be a AndroidX project.

Hope this helps. Thanks!

Is AndroidX a new requirement? I don’t see this documented anywhere. Is there any chance for non AndroidX projects to be supported for this 64 bit requirement?
Currently the project I’m working on cannot update to AndroidX as there is a dependency chain with frameworks that does not allow it (and not in the near future either). Zoom is the only SDK / plugin that is requiring AndroidX along with the 64 bit update. The 64 bit deadline is August 1st, while that is not the case for AndroidX.

If you’re curious about the dependencies, it’s Meteor (which packages Cordova & Cordova-Android 7.1.4, which has a minimum requirement of Cordova Android 8 for AndroidX projects)

Additional sources:

Hi sam1,

Thanks for using Zoom SDK. The doc for upgrading to AndroidX project is documented here:

Our Ionic SDK has also documented the situation that you are experiencing:


Thanks for the resources and fast response!
Just to be clear, this means Zoom will only support AndoirdX going forward? So come august 1st all non-AndroidX projects will be dead due to Google’s 64 bit requirement.

Ionic is not the same as Meteor unfortunately where Meteor packages cordova-android whilst Ionic lets you choose the version.

Thanks for the reply. I will consult our engineers and get back to you.

Hi Sam1,

Thank you for the reply. Yes, upgrading to AndroidX is a requirement and a pre-requisite now. We have a lot of dependencies that has already upgraded to AndroidX so we cannot do it without AndroidX.


I am still missing these files from arm64-v8a folders.

Hi j.phillips,

Thanks for the reply. Are you getting any error messages regarding these 2 files while running your SDK app with arm64-v8a emulators/device? Could you provide some information on how to reproduce this error? I tried to run our demo app with arm64-v8a emulator and I am not able to see the error message regarding these files. Would appreciate for any further info.


Hi j.phillips,

Thanks for the reply. We have identified this issue and we will fix this in the next release.


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