Transcription not working

I want to close transcription can possible ? I am using zoom video sdk,

  1. this is my code code
    const liveTranscriptionTranslation = this.client.getLiveTranscriptionClient();
    this code is not working why ?

  2. and i want to only Translation Language but is this code showing Speaking and Translation Language both why

this.client.on(caption-message, (payload) => {
console.log(${payload.displayName} said: ${payload.text}, translated to ${payload.language});


  1. when i am geting transcription Language full name showing this

this is my code

const liveTranscriptionTranslation = this.client.getLiveTranscriptionClient();
const liveStatus = liveTranscriptionTranslation.getLiveTranscriptionStatus();
captionTransLang = liveStatus.transcriptionLanguage;

i want to example hi = hindi and en = english

if any solution available let me know please help !

Hey @rinki

Thanks for your feedback.

  1. Do you mean liveTranscriptionTranslation.startLiveTranscription()? Or stop transcription for a certain user?
    We don’t have a separate method to stop a specific participant’s transcription. The transcription function is available to all participants once it is turned on at the session level.

    However, as the host, you have the capability to disable the transcription by calling the liveTranscriptionTranslation.disableCaptions(true) method. If you don’t want to enable the transcription function in the session, you can use this method.

  2. Yes. Currently, both transcription and translation messages are using the same event. You can filter the payload.language field to determine the type.

  3. These are language codes.

  1. when i am geting transcription Language full name showing this

If you’re not familiar with language codes, you can also refer to the LiveTranscriptionLanguage enum in Video SDK Web. It provides a list of language codes.


Thanks @vic.yang for reply

my video sdk version in @zoom1234/videosdk": "^1.5.5

  1. when is am using this liveTranscriptionTranslation.disableCaptions(true) not working
    i want to when once start this.liveTranscriptionTranslation.startLiveTranscription() after some time i want to stop Transcription.

  2. when i am using this payload.language showing language code like 22 or 400 and when i am using this captionTransLang = this.client.getLiveTranscriptionClient().transcriptionLanguage;
    then showing like ar;zh;cs;nl;en;et;fi;fr;de;hi;hu;id;it;ja;ko;ms;fa;pl;pt;ro;ru;es;sv;tl;te;tr;uk;vi
    then how can i filter payload.language field ?

can i get language code behalf of language name ?
this.client.on(caption-message, (payload) => {
console.log(${payload.displayName} said: ${payload.text}, translated to ${payload.language});


  1. i am using this this.liveTranscriptionTranslation.LiveTranscriptionLanguage(‘en’)
    not working i want to language code but not woking

  2. can i get all TranscriptionLanguage json data with language code ?


Hey @rinki

Thanks for sharing more context about your concern.

  1. disableCaptions is available since Video SDK Web 1.7.5.

  2. Enums in Video SDK Web can be used to assist with this. There are two specific enums that may be helpful: LiveTranscriptionLanguage and LiveTranscriptionLanguageCode. The former maps languages to language codes, while the latter maps languages to numeric codes.

If you need to perform a reverse lookup of the key by its value, you can write a utility method. Here is an example that may be useful:

  function getKeyByValue(object, value) {
  return Object.keys(object).find(key => object[key] === value);

or use a popular util library, such as lodash, the _.findKey is suitable for this case.


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