Unable to list created apps

I couldn’t list the created apps in my account. There is a 500 error when I open the “Created Apps” page.

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior including:
*1. Go to https://marketplace.zoom.us/
*2. Click on “Manage”
*3. See the error message “An error was encountered when processing your request”

  "code": 500,
  "status": 500,
  "error": "Internal Server Error",
  "message": "An error was encountered when processing your request",
  "tid": "1c135afc7a125896",
  "sid": "1c135afc7a125896",
  "timestamp": 1662008701071,
  "trackingId": "v=2.0;clid=us06;rid=MP_642a441dbf314bdf852d27a45b3db27e"

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Hi @sean0
Thanks for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum.
Are you still experiencing this issue?

Hi @elisa.zoom,
Thank you for your reply!
Yes, I am still seeing this error in my account.

Hi @Sean
Interesting, could you please open up a ticket with support and add this link to the ticket, you can also mention my name and whenever you are done with that, please share the ticket ID here with me so I can take it from there. (make sure to tag my name so I get a notification please)


Thanks @elisa.zoom, really appreciate your help!
We have opened a ticket https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/requests/15326380.

Thanks @sean0
I have replied to you directly on the ticket :slight_smile:

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