Unable to mute/unmute meeting bot

I have created a Zoom bot to join meetings to send and receive audio, video streams. Right now, I am trying to achieve two things:

  1. Mute the audio stream - the bot doesn’t need to speak
  2. Unmute the video stream - the bot needs to send a video stream

I am unable to it.

These are my configurations when the bot joins a call:

ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::JoinParam4WithoutLogin &withoutloginParam = joinParam.param.withoutloginuserJoin;
// ...
withoutloginParam.isVideoOff = false;
withoutloginParam.isAudioOff = true;
// ...
ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::IAudioSettingContext *pAudioContext = m_pSettingService->GetAudioSettings();
if (pAudioContext)
ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::IVideoSettingContext *pVideoContext = m_pSettingService->GetVideoSettings();
if (pVideoContext)
ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::SDKError join_err = m_pMeetingService->Join(joinParam)

This is how I am trying to mute the audio:

IMeetingAudioController *meetingAudController = m_pMeetingService->GetMeetingAudioController();
auto my_user_id = m_pParticipantsController->GetMySelfUser()->GetUserID();
SDKError err = meetingAudController->MuteAudio(my_user_id, true);
if (err != SDKError::SDKERR_SUCCESS)
    printf("Error muting audio. SDKError code: %d\n", err);

And, here is how I am trying to unmute the video:

IMeetingVideoController *meetingController = m_pMeetingService->GetMeetingVideoController();

Neither the audio is muted nor the video is unmuted.

And, I noticed something. My code gets stuck when I try to initialise the audio and video controllers:

IMeetingAudioController *meetingAudController = m_pMeetingService->GetMeetingAudioController();

When I say stuck, I mean that the code doesn’t even move to the next line.

Is this a permissions issue? Am I doing something wrong here? Can someone help?

@saranshabd please tag me for response.

Is this windows or linux meeting sdk?

@chunsiong.zoom - This is the Linux SDK.

Hey Shabd, if you’re struggling with managing audio and video streams for your Zoom bot, you might want to check out the Recall.ai API.

It’s a simple 3rd party API that lets you use meeting bots to get raw audio/video/metadata from meetings without you needing to spend months to build, scale and maintain these bots.

Here are the API docs: https://docs.recall.ai