Web-app the applied virtual background is not displayed in video tag(Self video)

@tommy The applied virtual background is not displayed in video tag(Self video) but applied virtual background is visible to other users in the session(canvas tag is used to render other users) is there is any way to render self video with virtual background applied ??

Hey @nithinvn00 , yes.

Which browser are you seeing this in, I am guessing Safari? Safari virtual background support is coming soon.

Make sure you also have SharedArrayBuffer or enforceVirtualBackground: true enabled.


@tommy No, I have tried in chrome browser with enforceVirtualBackground true for canvas tag the applied virtual background is visible to other users in the session. The issue is only with the self video, the video tag is used here

Hey @nithinvn00 ,

Gotcha, can you please share your startVideo code? I can provide the solution based on that.


Hey @nithinvn00

It seems like you’re using Chrome without enabling SharedArrayBuffer. The enforceVirtualBackground option only applies when SharedArrayBuffer is disabled; otherwise, the virtual background feature is fully supported.

When the stream.isRenderSelfViewWithVideoElement() method returns false, you’ll need to render the self-view with a canvas. Currently, using the video tag doesn’t display video with virtual background correctly. We’re actively working to improve this.


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