Web launch from link - computer audio not working (initially)

We’re building an integration where we need to pull a user directly into meeting, using the /join URL:


Using this, you can see anyone’s video - but the audio input and output do not work at all. If you go to Audio Options, you’ll see “Computer Audio - Connected” (but it’s not). If you then click “Leave Computer Audio”, then click “Join Audio By Computer” - audio starts working fine!

Any idea how to use the join endpoint to join w/ working audio?

BONUS: Is there a way to join with video turned on?

And last question: Are the parameters supported by “/join” documented anywhere? I found a medium.com blog post from a few years ago, but that seems out of date. It mentioned a ‘zc’ parameter, which I’ve tried, and it changes nothing.

Hey @boutcher, thanks for posting and using Zoom!

What browsers and devices are you using?

Can you share screenshots of the issue?


@tommy: Am using Chrome 80 on MacOS.

From command line, I’m running:

open "https://zoom.us/wc/9999999999/join?prefer=1&un=Qm91dGNoZXI="

Not sure if these screens will help - but that fires up Chrome, I connect and see things fine. But I can’t send or receive audio until I toggle the computer audio setting.

(I still would love to be able to start video this way!!!)

(It says new users can only put one image in a post - so I’ll do this one. I’m clicking on that “Leave computer audio”, then “Join Computer Audio”, after, and audio will then work… But in the no-audio initial state, this is what things look like)

Hey @boutcher,

So to confirm, in order to connect with computer audio you have to leave computer audio, and then re connect with computer audio?


Yes, that’s correct.

Hey @boutcher,

May I ask your use case for opening the Zoom Web Client from the command line?


Hello @tommy -

I have a native app that some of my employees run, where they are being routed a request to join a 3rd party Zoom conference. I’m routing the zoom conference ID through a messaging platform to the next available, best person to join this conference.

My app receives the conference ID. I’m trying to launch them directly into the Zoom conference, with audio and video enabled, upon an “accept” button click in a UI in my native app.

I’m trying to just open the URL, with parameters, as outlined earlier in this thread. Think of this as the native app asking the host operating system to open the zoom.us URL, pulling someone directly into the conference.

(A bit more detail: I’m actually embedding “Chromium Embedded Framework” into a .Net application and directing the embedded Chrome instance to open your URL, but the concept of launching by having a native app ask the OS to open the URL, or launching via command line, is similar and has the same issue with audio not cleanly starting on first attempt)

Hey @boutcher,

What native app type are you using? We have native client SDKs.
