Web SDK Can't Join as Host

Hi @riley,

No, that’s not what I was implying towards.
The credentials for the WebSDK are located within the JWT App, their’s only one JWT app per account. No matter how many users within that account who log into marketplace and create other app types, they will still see the same JWT app with the same credentials.

For example you have Account A with user 1, user 2, and user 3 who are all under the same account.

  1. User 1 creates a JWT app for the account.
  2. User 2 creates an Account-level OAuth app, then uses the app to create meetings for himself and User 3.
  3. When User 2 configures the WebSDK, he enters the JWT app API Key/Secret credentials and changes the “role” parameter to 1 to start a meeting as a host.
  4. User 2 enters in the meeting ID that was created for them by the OAuth app and they’re now the host using the WebSDK.
  5. Later that day, User 3 enters in the meeting ID that was created for them by the OAuth app and they can become the host as well using the WebSDK.

So as long as the users are under the same account, they can start a meeting as a host using the WebSDK.

The WebSDK can be used for both licenses and ISV partners as ISV partners are billed based on minutes.

Hope this helps, let us know if you have any other questions.
