[Web SDK Client View 2.3.5] Speaker's name not showing when it is on Speaker View Mode

When a user is using “speaker view” mode, the screen name of the other user is no longer displayed. (The other user’s screen name is only displayed if the user has his own microphone muted.)

This seems to have started from Zoom Web SDK 2.3.0.
Web SDK Version: 2.3.5 Client View

Equipment environment in which the problems was confirmed:

  • Windows10( 21H2 ) * Chrome Browser v99.0.4844.74 (Stable)
  • Windows11( 21H2 ) * Chrome Browser v99.0.4844.74 (Stable)
  • macOS 12.3 * Chrome Browser v99.0.4844.74 (Stable)
  • Chromebox3 * ChromeOS v96.0.4664.111 (Stable)
  • Chromebox4 * ChromeOS v98.0.4758.107 (Stable)

Screenshots (taken from Zoom sample app) :

a. Other user’s (client) video is enabled and audio is not muted and it is on speaker view mode

b. Other user’s video is enabled and audio is muted and it is on speaker view mode

In addition to that, when disabling the audio on one participant, the name of the speaker viewer from the opposite participant becomes visible

We though that it could be a change into the SDK specifications, but since it becomes visible when deactivating the audio on one side, it seems to be a regression & bug.

You can easily reproduce that with the zoom sample react demo app.

@donte.zoom Could you please check it & forward to the developers ?

Hi, @nvivot,

Hi, Thank you for calling attention to this behavior. I’ve done some testing with our React Demo App and I am to reproduce the described behavior. Our Developers have been notified and this issue has been logged. Here’s the ticket number tracking this [ZOOM-365364].

Thanks again @nvivot!

Much Gratitude,

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