Web sdk - Connecting the user with computer audio automatically when joining

Hey @wongpang827,

As of now we do not have that feature on the Web SDK.

Although, as a work around, you could use the Join Meeting via Web Client URL, and pass in the prefer=1 query param to automatically join a meeting with computer audio. If you want to also pass in a default name for the user joining, use the un=base64EncodeName query param.

Here is an example:

https://zoom.us/wc/{{ MeetingID }}/join?prefer=1&un=dG9tbXk=

You can then embed this in an iFrame on your site to mirror the Web SDK functionality:

<iframe src="https://zoom.us/wc/{{ MeetingID }}/join?prefer=1&un=dG9tbXk=" width="1000" height="500" sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-forms allow-scripts" allow="microphone; camera"></iframe>

Here is a demo of how it looks:

Let me know if this helps!
