What's the url scheme of ZOOM?

Hello, I’m  a IOS Developer, and I want to know the url scheme of your app to let me turn to ZOOM faster.

It doesn’t work when I use " zoom:// ".

What’s the correct url scheme?


Hi Bruce,

you can open Xcode sample project, click on project info, you can find URL scheme here:


URL schemes are here https://developer.zoom.us/article/zoom-url-schemes/

Hi Kassim, the URL schemes link above is returning a 404 error. I’m also interested in what URL schemes are available for both iOS and Android. Can you help me please? Thanks.

Hi jjuarez,
Thanks for using Zoom. Please see my reply in the post: Mobile Zoom URL Schemes.


Hi leonardo,

Thanks for sharing the info. Happy Zooming! :slight_smile: