Zoom Api Invalid Access Token Problem

Hi everyone, we are integrating Zoom into our learning management system for use in our institution. I am successfully receiving the access token via the Zoom API and have granted the relevant permissions to the scopes. However, when I make any API requests, I am constantly receiving the error “code”: 124, “message”: “Invalid access token.” What should I do to fix this problem? Thanks in advance everyone.

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Hi @aliaksoy ,

Is this being generated via Server to Server OAuth or User OAuth? Link the guidance you used to generate the access token.

What are a few endpoints you’re trying to access?

Try uninstalling the application locally, reinstalling and generating a new access token.

Hi Ali,
Could you check to ensure that you have prefixed your Access token with “Bearer” in your Authorization header

Hi @gianni.zoom ,
Yes, I am having this issue for Server to Server OAuth. Some of the endpoints I’m trying to access are
/v2/users/me and

As I have added in the screenshot, I am successfully getting the access token for these operations. However, while making a request with this access token, I am getting an error “Invalid access token”.

When I uninstalled the app and tried everything again, the result was always the same.

Hi Fario, Yes, my access token is prefixed with Bearer, but I still get the “Invalid Access Token” warning.

Hi @aliaksoy , there is likely an issue with how you’re generating the token. Can you please link the guidance you used to generate it?

Here is the link to the guide I used to generate the access token.

Hi @aliaksoy , I am not able to reproduce your issue. Can you please try using the Postman workspace to generate your S2S token?