Zoom App configuration: How to set the default Zoom app window size

Zoom App configuration: How to set the default Zoom app window size

I am encountering an issue with my Zoom app’s initial size. I have configured my app to open with a specific size, but it is not opening as expected.

  • Zoom Apps SDK Version: 0.16.14

I have tried the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Checked my Zoom Apps configuration settings.
  • Verified the version of the Zoom Apps SDK I am using.
  • To set the desired size, we have defined it as follows: popoutSize: { height: 500, width: 450 }

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open the Zoom app.
  2. Expected behavior: The app should open with the specified size (e.g., width: 450, height: 500).

Initially when the app window is merged with the meeting window (not pop out), Is there a way to control Zoom app window size? We need it to be as per the configuration provided. Any assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

@akshay.sharma49 ,

The default width is fixed, but App can expand itself using method:

We suggest making the app responsive to handle both a narrow view and a wide view. Let me know if this helps.