Zoom is not running at all

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong or if my computer is the problem, my pc is relatively normal but for some reason no matter how many reinstalling i do Zoom just won’t run. like at all.

There’s no error messages, I click it and it does not run. I checked it’s behaviour on Task Manager and whenever i enter Zoom, it just tends to perform minimally on task manager then proceeds to exit.

Troubleshooting Routes
I tried reinstalling, cleaning up cache, cleaning up Disk C:, I also made sure to check if i have the latest versionof Zoom.

How To Reproduce
I don’t know how, it just happened one day, and on that same day I didn’t even install any new apps…

I hope someone can help, it’s been a pain since i need it to school and all and having to use a different computer just to is just too inconvenient

Your antivirus or firewall might be blocking Zoom. Check the settings of your security software to ensure that Zoom is allowed to run. You may want to temporarily disable the antivirus or firewall for testing purposes.

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Please lay out steps for your possible resolution……how do I change my security and/or firewall. Not sure what a Firewall is???

Thank you for your post in the Zoom Developer Forum. Just to clarify, the Zoom Developer Forum is primarily used for discussions related to developer-related questions about the Zoom developer tools. For issues related to Zoom Client, please use the Zoom community forum or support channels.