Zoom linux sdk error

Hello, I’m trying to build a headless meeting bot as shown in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SitD9mTXlA
but it is showing this

:heavy_check_mark: Container zoomsdk-build Created 0.0s
Attaching to zoomsdk-build
zoomsdk-build | [100%] Built target zoomsdk
zoomsdk-build | --client-id is required
zoomsdk-build | Run with --help for more information.
zoomsdk-build | failed to read configuration
zoomsdk-build | :x: failed to configure with status 15
zoomsdk-build | exiting…
zoomsdk-build exited with code 15

Although I’ve added my credentials in the config.ini file and I’ve followed all the steps as mentioned in

To recreate the error just follow all the steps as shown in the above mentioned youtube tutorial and run your docker after entering the details in a windows/mac OS

@ad920024.loveshdutta ,

Could you share a screenshot of your meeting SDK / unified build flow app page on marketplace.zoom.us?

Is this resolved?
I am facing similar error like below

Even i have mentioned client_id & client_secret in config.toml file as per the readme file. Can someone guide me further? Do we need some JWT token?

bro you duidnt add client id in config.toml @ad920024.loveshdutta

Its done thanks. @sigireddybalasai Have you created any application on top of audio recorded?

@chunsiong.zoom @sigireddybalasai @amanda-recallai
So i have successfully integrated - GitHub - zoom/meetingsdk-headless-linux-sample: A demo on creating a headless meeting bot using the Zoom Meeting SDK for Linux and Docker .
So output is raw audio stream.
How can speakeers can be distrbuted?

I want to analyse the audio through trasncript to make a summary of the call

@sigireddybalasai I don’t understand the question, what do you mean by speakers being distributed?

@chunsiong.zoom @amanda-recallai @sigireddybalasai
we are recieveing raw audio stream file saved as a pcm file. So like all the different individuals audio in single file. Is there any config/settingg through which we can identify the individual name of the audio speaker .
Like if i want to make a transcript so i need to mention which user said what.

@harsh5 .

If you are saving the mixed audio, where everyone’s audio is in a single file, no there is no way for you to tell who is speaking at what time.

There is another callback which returns individual’s audio. You might want to use this instead. In this callback there is a userID associated with it.

onMixedAudioRawDataReceived and onOneWayAudioRawDataReceived

Is there configuration which needs to be done to achieve this?

I am using this repo : GitHub - zoom/meetingsdk-headless-linux-sample: A demo on creating a headless meeting bot using the Zoom Meeting SDK for Linux and Docker

All setting are default , just changed the credentials.
@chunsiong.zoom @amanda-recallai

@chunsiong.zoom Also is there any way to recieve output in other format like .wav? Currently i am recieving it as a pcm file.

Idea is to realtime generate transcript & imlement NLP on it.

@harsh5 you will have to handle the conversion from PCM to WAVE file on your end.

I see. @chunsiong.zoom Ok let me explore this at my end.

Can you please update me on my previous query on this same thread?

This is just the sample app, you will need to implement the delegates, subscribe to raw audio and use the callbacks (onMixedAudioRawDataReceived , onOneWayAudioRawDataReceived) to save the audio to PCM files.