Zoom Rooms Controller SDK Issues with Demo / Getting Started

I want to get the Demo for the ZRCSDK running.
I built it successfully, and if I execute it, it is running.
When I run the command to pair it, I get a Success code, but then when I run the start meeting command, I get error code 11.
This is the log from running it :

bytehive@Jonas-Laptop:~/zoom-sdk/Demo/build$ ./Demo 
 app start...
pair -------------------------------
 ReceiveCommand:pair -------------------------------

 api is pair
 activationCode is -------------------------------
Send request: PairRoomWithActivationCode success!
OnPairRoomResult result:0
OnSetRoomTempDisplayNameNotification, isShow:0

 api is startmeeting
Send request: StartInstantMeeting ERROR!11