zoom-video-sdk-iOS SPM package is outdated

Zoom Video SDK SPM package is outdated → GitHub - zoom/zoom-video-sdk-iOS at swift-package-manager. Can you update the package with the latest framework version to fulfill the upcoming requirement from the App Store, which mandates a privacy manifest for all applications starting May 1, 2024?

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a new Xcode project
  2. Add zoom video SPM package GitHub - zoom/zoom-video-sdk-iOS: Zoom iOS Video SDK - SDK package only, for full packages including the sample app, please visit: https://marketplace.zoom.us to download. (branch: swift-package-manager)
  3. Observe that there is an old SDK version

Hey @pawel.pluskota, v1.11.2 was just released to GitHub - zoom/zoom-video-sdk-iOS at swift-package-manager, sorry about the delay.

Thank you so much for the update :slight_smile: