Zoom Windows sdk return not initialize error

download in marketplace windows c# wrapper
After download cleaning and rebuilding the wrapper project, then clean and rebuild the demo project
and run demo project in release and x86 mode in visual studio 2019 zoom_sdk_demo.sln but still getting same error SDKERR_UNINITIALIZE

I’m trying to run zoom_sdk_demo from c#.

ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.Initialize(param); in app.xaml return SDKERR_UNINITIALIZE.

CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.GetAuthServiceWrap(). SDKAuth(param); it systematically returns SDKERR_UNINITIALIZE.

I got app_key and app_secret for JWT and OAuth and in both cases it works the same.

Hey @deva,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

Have you modified anything in either projects before seeing this?


No, I didn’t modified anything. Download and cleaning and rebuilding the wrapper project, then clean and rebuild the demo project

Hey @deva,

When you clean and rebuild, are you selecting the project or the solution?


Tested with cleaning the solution and project(both cases) checked.

zoom_sdk_c_sharp_wrap clean solution and rebuild

zoom_sdk_demo clean and run in release mode in x86

Hey @deva,

Can you try again using a fresh download of the SDK? Do not clean and rebuild either solutions.


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