401 error when downloading recording with Server-to-Server OAuth token

Dear All,
I confirm that I have the same problem.
There are any updates?
Please let me know,
Best regards

Hi All,

I can reproduce. I just submitted a bug ticket as high priority (ZSEE-91225). I’ll share progress as it becomes available. Thanks!


It was not correct. “download_token” has 1 DAY untile expire. :sweat_smile:


Thank you. Once you’ve resolved this issue, I plan to rewrite my app’s code and share a report to everyone.

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All, in the mean time while we wait for further investigation into the use of S2S OAuth tokens in recording webhook (e.x. recording.completed) download_url access_token field, can you please confirm that you can successfully use {{baseUrl}}/meetings/{{meetingId}}/recordings to get recorded meetings?



I tried

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer MASKED_S2S’sTOKEN_STRING“ https://api.zoom.us/v2//meetings/SOMEMEETINGID/recordings

It looks working. I got some json strings with HTTP Status 200.
The json has topic,recording_files and download_url I maked.

And then, I tried

curl -H “Authorization: Bearer <S2S’s ACCESS_TOKEN>” https://{{base-domain}}/rec/archive/download/xyz

It returned HTTP Code 302 with “long url”(it was point to a recording file).
so I can download from “long url” without any token.

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Hi @daichi @kirolive @david5 @pfa_zoom @jbassi ,

It’s been confirmed that the webhooks do not support OAuth or Server-to-Server OAuth tokens for cloud recording downloads. This is actually expected behavior and there’s been a request to change the documentation to correct the misguidance.

It is recommended that if you want to download cloud recordings after the webhook download_token has expired, use Zoom Meeting API .

I will submit a feature request to the platform PM to support S2S and OAuth tokens for webhook download_url.

FYI @elisa.zoom

Feature request ticket: Allow OAuth Tokens to Download Cloud Recordings from Cloud Recording Webhooks (ZSEE-92020), (DEVELOPERS-3922).