404 error on ZoomMtg.join Call

Hi! Just cloned Angular sample app and cannot make it Join due to many 404 errors…
Details now…

Angular demo app, after replacing sample params with real ones (apikey, etc…) initilizes ok but fails when try to join (initialization is successful)

Multiple 404 errors as on screenshot.
zone-evergreen.js:2952 GET https://rwcam.zoom.us/wc/ping/89819086645?ts=1587157379294&auth=BZSrDO7vEzX4AfS2msIL6RNCtI4M_imqleJ0K2Di4MA&_=1587157378554 404 (Not Found)

Which version?
Latest. Installed via npm right now. 2020-04-17

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Just ng serve!


Smartphone (please complete the following information):
Latest Chrome

Additional context

Thanks and congrats.

Closing this by myselt: demo app is coded using v 1.6.1… so just updating a couple of lines it works perfectly.

app.componet.ts -> line 5 - > update version to 1.7.5
index.html - > replace all references from 1.6.1 to 1.7.5

And ready.

Hey @desarrollos.nit,

Happy to hear you got it working?

Confused, where was it set to 1.6.1 in the sample app?


I really do not know now… maybe a lost fork over the net. Crazy.

1 Like

Funny! Glad it is working though! :slight_smile:
