About Zoom meeting creation with registration off

I am using ZOOM API for meeting creation for one of my clients.
According to the requirement, I have to disable the registration of this meeting.
I have to pass approval_type to 2 for no registration. is that right?
I want to know if I make this approval_type to 2 can I able to register persons to this meeting with “Add meeting Registrant API”?

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Hi @deepanshu.v approval_type 2 will disable registration for the meeting. Let us know if there’s anything else we can help with!

Hi @michael.zoom. I want to know if I make this approval_type to 2 can I able to register persons to this meeting with “Add meeting Registrant API”?

@deepanshu.v No, if you set to approval_type 2 you can not add registrants to the meeting.

Anyone will be able to join the meeting without a registration join URL

@michael.zoom so just to confirm if I want to disable the registration for a meeting I have to pass approval_type 2. is there any other option present for it.
also if I set the approval type 2 I can not use this “/meetings/{meetingId}/registrants” API end to add registrant. Can you let me know what I will get in return if I try to register a registrant to a meeting created with approval type 2.

@michael.zoom aby update on this?

Hi @deepanshu.v this is correct, if you set the approval type to 2, you cannot use the registrants API. You will receive the following response:

    "code": 404,
    "message": "Registration has not been enabled for this meeting: 00000000000."