Accessing call data transcripts and metadata and raw video calls

Looking for guidance on accessing call data including transcripts and metadata as well as the raw video itself for our calls and meetings for our customers Zoom accounts. I’ve reviewed the API documentation (we’re new) and am a little confused on how to proceed e.g. should we use an app or another method to retrieve the data we need for analyzing our customers calls. We would be accessing through their Zoom account.

@dev27 welcome to the Zoom developer community!

Happy to help - there are 2 main ways to access this data.

1. Using the Zoom cloud recording APIs

If your customers are typically on the Zoom pro plan or above, and use Zoom cloud recording, you can build an Oauth app to access the recordings in their cloud storage to pull that in.
If your customers have enabled transcription on their plan, you will also be able to access the transcription in their cloud storage.
If you need the speaker timeline, your customer should be on the Zoom business plan or above to access this data.

2. Use a bot

You can build a bot join the Zoom meeting if you need to capture video/audio/metadata/transcripts for customers that are not on a paid Zoom plan, and when you need the real-time data.

Here is a more comprehensive breakdown of when to use a bot vs use the Zoom native APIs:

Thanks Amanda. I’m going down the Zoom Cloud Recordings and Meetings API path right now (with an OAuth App). As far as the transcript and metadata go is the metadata part of the transcript file itself, including things like speaker diarization?

Best Regards,


Just realized you are from Recall. I requested a demo.

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Hey @dev27, to answer your question:

As far as the transcript and metadata go is the metadata part of the transcript file itself, including things like speaker diarization?

If you are on the Pro plan, you should enable the “Create audio transcript” in your settings, and the transcript will be a piece of metadata on the cloud recording that includes speaker diarization.

Let me know if this helps!

Hey Amanda,

We requested a demo for about 2 days ago and haven’t received a response. We are very interested and are funded (btw). We need to move quickly though. I requested it with my email.



Hey @dev27, just sent you an email!

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