'Action Required: Submit TDD as soon as possible' What to do

Hi @elisa.zoom

I received this email. I do not know what to do.
Our app is already published, does the following link mean we don’t have to do anything with the Oauth type?

Our app is this.

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Hi @iq-re
Thanks for reaching out to us!
When you submitted your app for review, was your TDD embedded in the Web?? do you remember that?
If you do not remember, feel free to share the name of your app with me and I will confirm with the marketplace team

Hi @elisa.zoom

Sorry, I am not sure if this is the case or not. I am aware that Technical Design on the application form is checked and uploaded. Please check if maybe the recognition is different.

Our app name is ‘riza-en.ENT’.

Hi @elisa.zoom

How has the confirmation proceeded since then?
What do I need to do?

Hi @iq-re
I just heard back from the Marketplace team and you do not need to take any actions with your app.
Sorry about the confusion, you can disregard the email

Hi @elisa.zoom

Thanks for the confirmation.
I understand that the email was an error and nothing needs to be done.

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Hello @elisa.zoom At Revenue.io/RingDNA, we’ve previously submitted the embedded TDD. However, we haven’t seen any notifications or forms on our side. Despite this, we’ve received a request to submit a TDD. Could you please verify the next steps for us? Currently, we don’t find any relevant instructions in our app’s created sections. Please let us know if we’ve overlooked anything.

Hi @joel.alvarez
If you submitted the embedded TDD form , you should not worry about it or take any further actions