allowParticipantToRecord doesn't work if participant is in another room

zoomSdk.getBreakoutRoomList() returns a list of rooms and their participants. So the zoom app has visibility into the other rooms.

Calling zoomSdk.allowParticipantToRecord({action: 'grant', participantUUID: 'abc123'}) doesn’t work if zoom app is in the main room, and participant is in the breakout room.

Is this going to change at any point in the future?

It would be nice for the app to be able to control breakout rooms to an extent.

If it’s not going to change, then it should at least return a proper error response, currently the response is Error: Validation error, please check API parameters.

Which doesn’t make a ton of sense since the parameters are all correct.

@RostislavR I checked in with our engineering team and will let you know if I hear back from them