Android Crash on Remote User Reentry Without Leave Session Event in React Native Video SDK 1.11.0

There is a bug on Android devices that causes the app to crash under the following conditions: A remote user leaves the meeting without triggering a ‘leave session’ event and then reenters the meeting before the previous session times out.

I was able to reproduce this issue in our React Native app as well as in the demo Expo app provided by Zoom.

pid 1632 system sent binder code 7 with flags 1 to frozen apps and got error -32
Too many transaction errors, throttling freezer binder callback.
Exception thrown during dispatchAppVisibility Window{7136423 u0 EXITING}

Which React Native Video SDK version?
SDK: 1.11.0
React Native: 0.73.4

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Start a Meeting: Launch the app on an Android device and join a meeting.
  2. Add a Remote User: Have a remote user join the meeting from another environment/device.
  3. Remote User Leaves Without ‘Leave Session’ Event: Have the remote user leave the meeting without triggering the ‘leave session’ event (e.g., by closing the app or disconnecting from the network).
  4. Reenter the Meeting: Have the same remote user reenter the meeting before the previous session times out.
  5. Observe the Crash: The app crashes upon the remote user’s reentry into the meeting.


  • Device: Google Pixel 7a, Samsung Galaxy S20
  • OS: Android 14

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