App installation from playstore failed after integrating the zoom SDK

We have an app on the playstore for which Zoom SDK was integrated. Some of the devices couldn’t install the app from playstore and showed the following error. I noticed in the play console that supported ABIs were only 4 after zoom integration and it was “All ABIs”
before. Has anybody faced this? Please help. Thanks in advance.

Which Android Client SDK version?
Not specific to Android version.


Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Real me narzo 20(RMX 2161)

Additional context
The device where i couldn’t install has the supported ABI. Apk can be installed and works. Only installation fails when downloaded from playstore.

Hi @nikithabagalkoti, thanks for the post.

I’m not seeing any information specific to our SDK here. Do you have any details that indicate that this is being directly or indirectly caused by the SDK?


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