App installer doesn't show up in subscriber list & having scope error when calling meeting API


Hi there,I have an account-level OAuth App Dialpad published which has scopes meeting:read:admin, meeting:write:admin. The intent is to allow Dialpad user who installed our app be able to create a zoom meeting by calling zoom’s create meeting api. - that user also has a matching zoom account.

Things been working fine using our development credentials during our testing, and production’s credentials when it was tested by Zoom Marketplace Team.


After it was published, some user has installed the Dialpad app in your marketplace. As you can see:

However, this user doesn’t appear on our current subscriber list:

The user has also not being able to create a zoom meeting by calling Zoom’s meeting creation api. They had error when calling that api:
Status Code: “400”, Message: “{“code”:4700,“message”:“Invalid access token, does not contain scopes: [user:write:admin, user:read:admin, user:read, user:write, zms:user:write, zms:user:read].”}”)"

I am not sure if the error was caused by the user’s not showing up in our subscriber list, or that if I needed to add more scopes to my published app. Or there is something else is going wrong. Please help :slight_smile: Thanks!

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install App
  2. If you have Dialpad’s account - marketplace team has one - log into your dialpad account, integrate with Zoom then send a message. Guide:

Hey @yirui,

Strange! Can you have the user try uninstalling and reinstalling your app?


Hey Tommy,

Nice to hear from ya. Problem still exists but here are some updates & questions:

  1. Yesterday, calling zoom’s create meeting api failed with error below:

Status Code: “400”, Message: “{“code”:4700,“message”:“Invalid access token, does not contain scopes: [user:write:admin, user:read:admin, user:read, user:write, zms:user:write, zms:user:read].”}”)"

And I went adding two scopes to my published app. Based on the error message, the scopes I added were – user:read:admin, user:write:admin

  1. After adding the scopes, the user has uninstalled and reinstalled the app. Calling zoom’s create meeting api still failed, but with a new error message this time:

Status Code: "401", Message: "{"code":124,"message":"Invalid access token."}"

As you can see that the error doesn’t mention scopes anymore, i guess that’s a positive sign?

  1. The user (James) still never showed up in our app’s subscription list. This is a screenshot from Dialpad app in Zoom’s market place:

As you can see in the screenshot, the user (James) who installed it yesterday didn’t show up in here (Andrew in the screenshot installed the app in May before the app was published).

  1. I noticed that, tho we only published one app in your marketplace, it shows that we have two apps under my account:

Can you please tell me which one is published to the public? My guess is the second one, which has only 1 subscriber. And that matches the number of subscriber in here:

I still don’t know why the user who re-installed yesterday (James) didn’t show up anywhere as a subscriber. And, not sure if that’s why that user was getting the ‘Invalid access token’ error when calling zoom’s create meeting api. Please help. Thanks!


Hey @yirui,

I have just private messaged you.


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