App is crashing while initialisingSDK in release builds

In debug bundles we are able to do everything but once we generate a release bundle, then app is crashing while initialising sdk

Which Mobile Meeting SDK version?

at com.zipow.cmmlib.AppContext.d(Unknown Source:0)
at ut.r.k(Unknown Source:142)

Smartphone (please complete the following information):
Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e
Android Version 11

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Hi @vjilla,

Am I correct in assuming your project uses proguard? If so, you should be able to resolve this by adding the following proguard rules:

-keep class  us.zoom.**{*;}
-keep class  com.zipow.**{*;}
-keep class  us.zipow.**{*;}
-keep class  org.webrtc.**{*;}
-keep class**{*;}
-keep class**{*;}
-keep class**{*;}


Hi the issue got resolved, the spelling of proguard file was incorrect in my build.gradle file hence the issue came up.

Thank you for the reply.

That’s great to hear it’s working properly now! Please don’t hesitate to reach back out with any additional questions. :slightly_smiling_face: