App.min.js not found in Local directory of Web SDK 1.7.8

Hi there,

I am trying to use the zoom web sdk to start a zoom meeting as a host from my web page.

I have downloaded the code and followed all the instructions of setup from github page

I am able to run the sample page from CDN dir successfully.

However when I try to execute index.html from Local directory, I do get error failed to load resource /static/app.min.js
To my surprise I’m not able to find this file app.min.js from github for my download.
As index.html has included ./static/app.min.js I need this file.
Could you please help me to download this file? Or please guide me to use web sdk in local environment.
Its a bit urgent requirement for me.

Thanks in advance.

Hey @surekha,

Sorry to hear you are having some trouble.

Strange, I will look into this.

In the meantime please either try the CDN flow, or integrate the Web SDK locally from scratch:


webpack build this file

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