Application Force Close when calling RNZoomUsBridge.initialize in React Native

For IOS done, but when running on android. `` Force close application ‘’ when calling RNZoomUsBridge.initialize in React Native.

When I close this function (comment / deactivate it), as below.
initializeZoomSDK = () => {

    if (!ZOOM_APP_KEY || !ZOOM_APP_SECRET) return false;

    // init sdk
    // RNZoomUsBridge.initialize(
    //   ZOOM_APP_KEY,
    // ).then().catch((err) => {
    //   console.warn(err);
    //   Alert.alert('error!', err.message)
    // });

the application runs fine. but can’t initialize the SDK.

Which version?

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Android Phone
  • OS: Android Pie
  • Version 29

“react”: “16.13.1”,
“react-native”: “0.63.3”,
@mokriya/react-native-zoom-us-bridge”: “0.0.6”,

ext {
buildToolsVersion = “29.0.2”
minSdkVersion = 21
compileSdkVersion = 29
targetSdkVersion = 29
supportLibVersion = “29.0.0”
renderscriptVersion = 21
googlePlayServicesAuthVersion = “17.0.0”


Additional context

I have followed the steps in the 2 links above. but apps always force quit

Can I get a solution to this case?

Hi @drsiders065, thanks for using the dev forum.

Unfortunately we do not support using react native with our SDK. For that reason we will not be able to assist with your issue unless you are able to reproduce in a native Android app.


Okay. Thanks. But why in react native ios. Is running well.

Hi drsiders065,

I am also facing same crashing issue with Zoom SDK initialization in React Native for Android , I am trying to fix it. But no luck, if you have a resolution for this issue. Kindly help us.

Hi @sivabi0220, thanks for using the dev forum.

Unfortunately we still do not yet support React Native with our SDK. If you are able to reproduce the crash with our native Android SDK, please let me know and we will be able to look into it.
