Are values from ZoomSDKVideoQuality related to the resolution?


Such a great news, a new version of Zoom SDK has released, thank you!

And I have question about the enum with the name ZoomSDKVideoQuality. It’s use in the callback in ZoomSDKMeetingActionControllerDelegate.

Are values in ZoomSDKVideoQuality related to resolutions (90p, 180p, …)? And if so, how? Or does it mean something another thing?

Thank you!

Hi @anton.yereshchenko,

The onUserVideoQualityChanged callback is tied to the connection quality, which does not directly map to specific resolutions.


Hi @jon.zoom , thank you for the replay!

Could you describe what does “connection quality” mean in this case? Is it only about network connection? Or are there some additional parameters?

Thank you!

Hi @anton.yereshchenko,

In this context, it refers to the network connection used to send video.


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