Associated Domains

Our ask is that when viewing Account Managment/Account Profile/Associated domains and selecting View User Summary that, instead of just revealing the number of users with the same domain that are not part of the account, the actual email address of the user(s) using the same domain but not part of the account is revealed.

The reasoning behind such a feature is that when an org enables manage users with the same domain, those specific users can be communicated to ahead of the change and be given specific information about what the change entails --instead of an org being forced to send an announcement to the entire account that a change is coming that could very well not affect them at all, but cause unneeded concerns, questions, support calls, etc. The idea being to remove ambiguity “You are receiving this email because…before xyz date you need to xyz” instead of “This may apply to you, it may not, if it does, this…if not, that”