Auto-Enable Speaker Audio Without Clicking "Join Audio" Button in Meeting SDK


I am currently using the Meeting Web SDK package “@zoom/meetingsdk”: “3.1.6” and I have a question regarding the user experience for joining audio in meetings.

Current Behavior:

  • When a user joins a meeting, the “Join Audio” button appears.
  • If the user does not click the “Join Audio” button and closes the popup, they are unable to speak or hear other participants.
  • Clicking the “Join Audio” button prompts for microphone permission.
    • If the user denies permission, the microphone does not work.
    • If the user grants permission, the microphone works.
    • In both cases, the speaker audio starts working after clicking “Join Audio”.

Desired Behavior: I would like the speaker audio to start automatically when a user joins the meeting, without requiring them to click the “Join Audio” button. The user’s microphone should only be enabled when they tap on “Join Audio” and grant the necessary permissions.

Is there a way to achieve this behavior with the current SDK? Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

@chunsiong.zoom can you please help here?

Can you please help?