Bug: index.d.ts is missing from the @zoomus/websdk package


The index.d.ts file does not get packed into the @zoomus/websdk package that’s published to NPM. Since the file does actually exist in the repository, I guess this isn’t intentional.

Unfortunately it means that the Web SDK is currently broken in TypeScript projects. The good news is that it’s very easy to fix. In package.json, the files attribute needs to be set to:

"files": ["dist/*", "index.d.ts"]

Could not find a declaration file for module '@zoomus/websdk'.

Which version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. In your project, run npm i @zoomus/websdk
  2. Add import { ZoomMtg } from "@zoomus/websdk"; to a TypeScript file.
  3. Observe the error Could not find a declaration file for module '@zoomus/websdk'.

Hey @rossng,

Are you using the Web SDK with an Angular project?

If so, we do have an Angular Web SDK sample app:


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