Calling React Native users

Hi Shariq,
I would love to see a react-native library for Zoom, In our case we’re a tiny team of developers, all web developers converted into react-native developers, so our experience with native code is minimal. We’ve been using react-native-zoom-us, which is an amazing library, but despite the maintainers’ great effort, sometimes it’s behind the SDK minimum version policy dates.

Our application is being used by many hundred thousand users, who at this moment have to download the Zoom App from the stores because there are still some issues with the wrapper.

You’ll find that react-native is an always-growing community, and just the number of views of this post in the forum shows that there is a large number of people trying to use Zoom in react-native.

As said before, we are a tiny team of web developers, and we have both an iOS & Android application so the migration to native libraries is an effort that we’re not able to achieve. At this moment we’re working to start using the Zoom Web SDK in a react-native WebView to offer our users the option to open the meeting without having to install Zoom App. This is not our preferred approach, but it will be a workaround until we can integrate again react-native-zoom-us.

Again, it will be great to have an official Zoom SDK for react-native.

Thanks for any efforts regarding this!

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