Calling REST API Subsites from Main?

We have a bunch of subsites. However when calling, the data returned only retrieves from the main tenant and does not include the subsites.

Is there away that I can include all the sub’s?. The work around as I can see is to create an app for each site which is not very efficient.

I’m using an ‘account-level app | Server-To-Service OAuth’ invoke-restmethod which calls the app account from the main.${accountId}

Thanks All.

Hi @m.lai
Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to our Zoom Developer Forum.
What do you mean when you say subsites? do you have a master account and then sub accounts?

Hi @elisa.zoom

Correct, sorry the correct term is Sub Account List.

Ah I see @m.lai
Can you specify what endpoints are you calling please?${accountId}

The account ID provided with the App

Hi @m.lai
to get a list of your subaccount you should be using the Master account API endpoints

Thanks @elisa.zoom , that worked.

I have a question regarding the retrieval of meeting data. When utilizing the main tenant, I can use the userID to successfully output the meeting data.$userId/meetings?type=upcoming&page_size=1

However, when using the specified endpoint, the outcome is different. For subsite users, I execute a separate script which returns all the users, but the meeting data is absent.

Despite reviewing the API documentation, the issue remains unclear. Could this be a limitation?

Many thanks


Hi @m.lai

However, when using the specified endpoint, the outcome is different. For subsite users, I execute a separate script which returns all the users, but the meeting data is absent.

Which endpoint are you talking about?

Thanks @elisa.zoom, as a workaround I created an application per subsite which provided the data I needed.

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