Camera Issue with Zoom embed

  1. I am using Zoom embedded in my website, and I am using an iPhone X with the Chrome browser to access it. When I open the camera on the iPhone, the image quality on the computer is very poor. Please let me know what the maximum camera quality of Zoom is when viewed on the web (on both computers and smartphones) (360p, 720p, 1080p…). Is there any way to improve the camera quality?

  2. In the settings of Zoom, there is an option to change the camera. I have tried it on my iPhone X, switching from the front-facing camera to the rear-facing camera, but the camera remains unchanged. Please advise me on how to use the rear-facing camera of the phone.

Best regards & Thanks.

When selecting screen sharing, other users cannot view due to broken layout and the shared area being too small, resulting in misunderstanding of the content being shared

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